How Alcohol Addiction impacts Mental Health?

 Alcohol consumption is one of the prominent drinks for any occasion for ages. People do talk about the effect of alcohol on health, like liver problems, heart issues, diabetes etc. But the fact is, alcohol impacts not only physical health but also mental health. Many psychologists of some of the best alcohol rehab centre in India say that when it comes to consuming alcohol more often, awareness is needed.


It has been seen that many people consume alcohol for the sake of social acceptance or peer pressure. As a result, they are prone to consuming it more often for social attention. It impacts their mental health in a negative way. Just like this, many people get dependent on the Alcohol and consequently end up making it a part of their livelihood routine. Generally, people intake Alcohol to celebrate, to uplift their mood and sometimes to escape reality.


The impact of Alcohol is strong on those who are already suffering from some kind of mental health disorder or unhealed Trauma. Though the mental condition could get worse, and it may also require admission to the alcohol rehabilitation centre if frequent Alcohol consumption takes a longer time.


Alcohol and Emotions


At the initial stage, an alcoholic drink might give ease to the mind’s thought process, but that's temporary. That relaxed sensation one feels in the mind is the chemical reaction of alcohol with the brain’s cortex. But these changes fade away super soon. It makes you intolerant to alcohol, and after a point of time, the body automatically requires more drinks to get the same sensation of relaxation in the brain. As a result, it makes the human body more dependent on Alcohol.



Drinking Emotions

There are three categories in which moods get affected by alcohol:

Painful feelings:

Some people consume alcohol to reduce stress for some time and be in a state of relief and escape from reality and that too for a short period of time. Most of the time such people are already dealing with some sort of trauma that requires treatment at a rehabilitation centre in India.

Happy feelings:

Some people consume alcohol in a happy state of mind and that's where they try to multiply or generate more happy hormones. Yet again, this happens for a short period of time and the cycle goes on a loop. This is one of the most common reasons that people tend to consume alcohol that too is prominent among the youth.

Feelings of relaxation:

Alcohol also gives a feeling of calmness, a human brain experiences a sense of comfort and numbness after its consumption which is for a short period of time.



However, frequent alcohol consumption will definitely lead you to the pit of addiction. Instead of getting deeper into it, try getting out of it and before that awareness is necessary which we at SImranshri Rehabilitation centre are providing to you. 


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