How Does The Society Looks At People With Mental Illness

People with mental illness suffer a lot from their problems. Our society treats people with mental health issues as they are weak or inferior to others. This outcasting of people creates many issues. We should see people with mental issues as just regular people who have gone through a lot in their life rather than flawed beings. This tells the person suffering that they are further not wanted or accepted and creates more hesitation when someone wants to talk about what bothers them. Our drug rehabilitation centre , is located in Noida and we are very caring towards our patients and do not think of them as anything less than other people. Some of the ways society stigmatizes mental illness include:- Toxic Masculinity/Feminity Men are usually taught to not express their feelings and anyone who suffers from anxiety issues or depression is considered to be weak and told to “man up”. It creates stigmatization and men with mental illness are considered weak. Lack of ...